Teaching is a process of instilling the concepts and necessary skills for life-long learning and my goal as a teacher is to instill active learning within my students.  As artists or artists in training we learn by actively practicing the craft. I live by example by continuing to be a student of my craft, of learning, and of teaching. I encourage students to tackle problems creatively, which helps them learn to think outside conventional boundaries and to seek the deeper meaning of a concept or finding. I make an environment that promotes healthy curiosity and enables my students to continually study and learn about the artistic world around them.  One of my ultimate objectives in teaching is to facilitate learning by helping students to gain the necessary skills to take control of and become active participants in their own learning. Thus my approach to teaching reflects this philosophy and I have developed and use many techniques that are designed to engage students in their own learning.

I structure learning in a way that is relatable to the students interest and world perspective. In a painting course students would research their favorite artist/artistic style and learn about their culture and background and what lead them to art. They will then practice their artistic style choosing a subject that has meaning to them to create a body of work that reflects their own personal world.


Inside look into my studio while I was finishing my MfA.